When we first moved into this house, about a mile from house was this billboard advertising a realty group. Now we drove past this sign daily, sometimes three or four times a day. Hayden was about two and half when he spotted this sign and screamed.."Mommy, you and Daddy are on that sign, look, there you are." For the next year and a half that sign was pointed out daily and brought up many questions by Hayden. Here are just a few that I remember..
Why am I (Hayden) not in the picture?
Mom, why is your hair is not that color any more?
Can we get a new picture up there when Emerson is born, with everyone in it?
And then about a year ago the sign disappeared. I was so sad I never took a picture of it to remember. Well, two weekends ago, I talked David in to taking us to Mule Day in Columbia which is supposed to be this big, huge event. As we were driving to Columbia, I spotted it...the sign!! I pulled out my camera to snap a shot and pointed it out to Hayden. Yeah, he totally said nope, that is not you guys. Still, to this day, even though it is not the same picture on that billboard, I can't help but laugh as we drive by it. I am thinking we need a family picture and just need to pay to have it put up there for a month or two. It would so be worth it!! I can imagine Hayden's eyes lighting up as we drive past that sign for the first time.
And back to Mule Day, it will be our first and last time! All I can say is "WOW"! It was perfect for people watching and that was about it. We spent probably a whole thirty minutes there before Emerson threw up in her stroller, which gave us the perfect excuse to get the heck out of dodge. On our way out, I was able to snatch one picture to prove we were actually there. You can just see the excitement on his face.