Wednesday, October 31, 2012

A visit from the Tooth Fairy

A big first has happened in the Smith household, we had our first ever visit from the tooth fairy.  Hayden's smile has forever changed.  I knew it would happen sooner or later, but I was not ready to see  that sweet, little, crooked gap disappear.  I have always loved his two little bottom teeth, how they turned in and left the perfect little gap.  Now, he has a big gap were soon enough he will have big boy teeth growing in.  It all went down at dinner, a bite of an orange and a few wiggles later by Hayden, of course, because the thought of pulling out a tooth makes my stomach churn, and out came the smallest tooth ever.  Leave it to me to take one last picture before his smile was changed forever.  
His baby teeth gap
Holding his little tooth

His big boy gap

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