Monday, November 21, 2011

Emerson's Birthday Party

On Saturday, November 12th we celebrated Emerson's first year of life.  Everything was amazing from the rainbow cake's to the friends and family that helped us celebrate.  I really enjoyed planning and preparing for her rainbow themed birthday party.  I spent a lot of time printing, cutting, glueing and baking.  My mom helped a great deal with the Mason jar cakes, smash cake and Oreo favors and I assigned Sonia the task of the Rainbow cake. There were seven layers to the cake and I was pretty much too scared to take on that task. It all turned out just how I imagined.  I have to say, I am glad there is only one first birthday party.  It was fun, but not sure I want to do it for every birthday.  However, my sweet babies are totally worth it.
I have to say I did not get near as many pictures as I was hoping.  I bought Emerson a sweet dress off Etsy with a matching bowtie for Hayden.  I wanted to get a cute picture of them together, but poor Hayden was under the weather and was not in the partying or picture taking mood.  I felt so awful for him, he did not even get to really enjoy his cake.  Emerson, however, did get to enjoy her cake.  It took her a minute to realize exactly what was sitting in front of her, but once she did she slowly dug into her smash cake.  I thought she would go crazy over it considering how much she loves anything with sugar in it. 

It was a great party for a deserving little girl.  She is such a sweet, amazing little girl.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

12 months old

Today we celebrate for you are officially ONE.  You are growing up to fast and there is no slowing you down.  You are full steam ahead and don't get in your way.  You are Trouble with a capital T.  You clap with excitement, point when you want something, bite when are frustrated and smile from ear to ear all the day long.  Now that you are one, my mission is to take the bottle away and get you on sippy cups.  First, I started with introducing you to whole milk and you seem to like it about as much as you do formula, so thanks for making that so painless.  You are not that picky, pretty much eat or inhale anything we put in front of you.  You are a great napper, still taking two a day.  You go down for the night around 8pm and love to get up around 5:30am.  Most times I can feed you and you will go back to sleep. You are now pinching and biting when you get frustrated, not sure what this is all about.  PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE do not be a biter.  I so hope it is just a phase and you will get over it once your teeth are all in.  You have 4 teeth on top and three on the bottom with another one about to come through.  You love to climb and get into cabinets.  You know when you are doing something wrong because you look at us with the face and flash an evil grin.  You are still a little shy and not so sure of other people.  In that way you are much like your brother.  You are our amazing daugther who brings so much joy to us every single day.  We love you with our whole hearts and are forever greatful for having you as our baby girl. 

Happy 1st Birthday

Today is a big day!  One year ago today, in the early hours of the morning you entered this world.  A whole two pounds bigger than your brother and to our surprise, dark hair.  You were wide eyed and alert from the moment you were born. You looked nothing of your brother, you were your own person from the start.  I will never forget the second night in the hospital, after everyone had left, I laid you on my knees and just stared at you forever, just amazed at how perfect you were.  With your foggy,newborn eyes, you stared back at me as if you could see clearly and that you had known me forever.  For two hours we did this.  I snapped picture after picture so I could remember your newborn face and eyes staring back at me.  And finally, a yawn, your eyes shut and I knew it was okay to let you go off to the nursery.  Especially, because our wonderful neighbor Debbie took care of you in the nursery that night, she even made a special hat for the most special girl I know.  Happy Birthday sweet girl!!

Friday, November 4, 2011

A lesson in sharing

The funny thing about Hayden and Halloween is that once he has all his candy, sorts through it and takes inventory, he rarely ask for it. I think David and I end up eating most of it. Well, today he asked for a piece after school. He picked out a ring pop and as soon as Emerson heard them wrapper she came running. Remember, this girl has a serious sweet tooth, she can sense sugar a mile away. It is kind of crazy. I could open a cracker package right in front of her and she wouldn't even blink. But if I were to open an ice-cream or piece of candy, she could hear it from upstairs and would do everything she could to get down the stairs to get a lick. So, Hayden being then sweet boy he is, asked if Emerson could have a lick. Pretty impressive, I am not so sure I would share my candy...haha. One lick from Emerson and it was OVER! She was hooked. I had to have Hayden hide in our room with the door shut. She banged on that door for a good 10 minutes, before she finally gave up. I learned my lesson. I will think twice before allowing Hayden to share sweets with his sister again.  I love the progression of these pictures...first she is getting into trouble looking all sweet, then she hears zones in on the ring pop and watch as she creeps into the picture and then you see the reaction as I tell Hayden to run for his life. 


So sweet and innocent

So excited about his ring pop

We have a creeper
Give me some
and another lick
one more
Why is that not in my mouth?
So very sad