Thursday, March 14, 2013

A preview of March

It has been a busy month so far full of activities.  Here is what is going on with the crew:

Hayden started soccer and had his first game.  He played awesome and scored four goals.  He is roller skating during PE class at school.  That was one of the funniest things I have ever witnesses.  The poor guy looked like a baby calf trying to learn to walk.  i cant wait to go back at the end of the month and see how much he has improved. He also got his hair chopped off and WOW he looks so grown up.  He really is becoming a big boy.  He is long and lanky and not on ounce of fat on his little body.  His pants are all too short and I still send him to school them.  He is obsessed with Skylanders and that is all him and his friends talk about.  He makes crazy noises and talks "potty talk".  Too sum Hayden up, he has become a silly, goofy boy.  Though he is getting into that awkward stage , he still is as sensitive as they come.  You can break his heart if you barely raise your voice.  He still kisses me before the bus arrives.  He still ask after choir and soccer games if he can have an extra treat for Emerson. He still has me wrapped around his fingers.

Emerson started taking Gymnastics and is having a blast.  She is wide open and not afraid of anything.  She is usually the first to try anything whether it is the super slide, trampolines, zip line or rope swims.  She's my brave one with no fear.  We have also started potty training.  She peed on the potty immediately and then on and of the next few days.  Truthfully, I was not ready and fully motivated to dedicate days to working on it.  Well, she pretty much demanded that she was ready.  The past two days she has kept dry and is going in the big potty all by herself.  She even used the potty at Panchos and gymnastics.  She is doing great, but now we need to work on #2 in the potty.  The 2nd day of attempting PTing, we had bee BFF, Wyatt for most of the day.  They played hard until 4:30.  At 5:30, she sal on her little potty and fell asleep.  That's right, she fell asleep in the potty.  It was classic to watch the poor girl nodding off an almost falling off.  She sure is dedicated!  I got her signed up for Pre school net year at the church and am so looking forward to that.  I hope she will love it, but most of all hope she will excel and behave.  She is smart as a whip, she knows her colors, shapes, can count to 14, sing her ABC and knows M,E,H,G, and D.  Must be because all those letters are special to her.

Griffin pretty much just goes with the flow.  He smiles and talks more than ever and is content pretty much all the time unless he is hungry.  He is just happy to sit in his bouncy chair and hang out. He gets lots of kisses, hugs and high fives from Emerson and lots of belly rubs from Hayden.  He is definitely loved on A LOT.          

David has had a huge month being promoted to a GM/VP role within his company.  He really deserved it and I am so proud of him.  Not only did he get his promotion, but also received a trip from work, so we will be headed to the Dominican Republic in May.  I can't wait!  Then the week after that we head to Pebble Beach for another getaway.  Mays is going to be super busy and my first time away from Griffin.  I'm sure going to miss my littles, but can't wait to get some sun and relaxation.  David and I both need it.

So that's what's been going on lately in our lives.  We sure are blessed.

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