Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A little bit of this and and a little bit of that

So, I thought I would be so much better at updating the blog, but there has not been too much to report lately.  Seems like it snows every single day as I sit here and wait for more snow that is blowing in today.  Not a typical Tennessee winter. 

Hayden is just a little batman obsessed lately and spends his days fighting off the bad guys...the Joker, Two face, Mr. Freeze and the Riddler. I love that he is finally interested in playing by himself with toys.  He has quite the imagination and has even let his baby sister join in on the Batman fun. I bribed Hayden that if he didn't fuss about going to school today I would take him to buy another bad guy at Target.  He did okay, probably does not deserve a toy, but I will give in.  I will give and walk out of Target with $100 worth of stuff I really don't need...it always happens.  I have a love/hate relationship with Target...usually more of a love relationship.

 Emerson is doing much better these days.  We are over the RSV, however, Daddy has come down with the cold again so he is off limits to Emerson until he gets over this mess.  She is still sleeping pretty great, around 4-6 hours then up to eat and back down for another 2-3.  She is smiling and talking so much more and kicks her legs like crazy.  She is changing so much and starting to fill out.  My baby girl is not a newborn for much longer...she is becoming an infant.  It feels like it was just yesterday that I was anxiously awaiting to meet our baby girl.  She is only 11 weeks old and has brought so much happiness.  There is nothing I love more than watching Hayden play with his baby sister.  I don't know how I got so lucky with two amazing kids.  I must be doing something right!!
See...I told you that he even let Emerson play!!

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