Wednesday, January 12, 2011

RSV and Snow Cream

Well, it has been an interested few days.  We had a beautiful snow, about 4-5 inches.  Hayden and Daddy spent the day sledding with the neighborhood crew.  Emerson and I have been cooped up as she has come down with RSV (Resporitory Syncytial Virus).  This is basically the common cold for us grown ups, but for babies it is very serious.  If fact, Hayden had to get RSV shots when he was a baby because it is deadly for preemie infants.  Emerson has been such a trooper though.  She has been as sweet and happy as ever, even with a fever of 101.5.  What a little fighter.  I feel bad for Hayden since he has been stuck at home with me (school has been out because of the snow) and we are all going stir crazy.  However, we have found a few fun things to pass the making snow cream.  It so reminds me of 4th of July at the lake, listening to the sound of the homeade ice cream maker churn.  The snow cream was almost as delicious, but not quite as good.  After these past few days and getting a taste of the snow cream makes me really look forward to summer.

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