On Saturday, November 12th we celebrated Emerson's first year of life. Everything was amazing from the rainbow cake's to the friends and family that helped us celebrate. I really enjoyed planning and preparing for her rainbow themed birthday party. I spent a lot of time printing, cutting, glueing and baking. My mom helped a great deal with the Mason jar cakes, smash cake and Oreo favors and I assigned Sonia the task of the Rainbow cake. There were seven layers to the cake and I was pretty much too scared to take on that task. It all turned out just how I imagined. I have to say, I am glad there is only one first birthday party. It was fun, but not sure I want to do it for every birthday. However, my sweet babies are totally worth it.
I have to say I did not get near as many pictures as I was hoping. I bought Emerson a sweet dress off Etsy with a matching bowtie for Hayden. I wanted to get a cute picture of them together, but poor Hayden was under the weather and was not in the partying or picture taking mood. I felt so awful for him, he did not even get to really enjoy his cake. Emerson, however, did get to enjoy her cake. It took her a minute to realize exactly what was sitting in front of her, but once she did she slowly dug into her smash cake. I thought she would go crazy over it considering how much she loves anything with sugar in it.
It was a great party for a deserving little girl. She is such a sweet, amazing little girl.
Slow Start
1 week ago